Remove |
Name |
Amount |
Percentage |
Biological Preserve Fund for Beaver Remediation DBPFB-OU |
Alvin Jerome Taylor Memorial Scholarship Fund (MAJTS-OU) |
CAS SMTD Student Opportunity Fund (30391) |
Ernest & Sarah Krug OUWB Endowed Lectureship Fund (39680-OU) |
Grizzlies Racing (DGZRC-OU) |
Ledong Li Global Education Legacy Endowed Fund (31662) |
Ledong Li Global Education Legacy Endowed Fund (61662) |
Lowry Center Development Fund (DLCDF-OU) |
A.R. Liboff Medical Physics Scholarship (NLMPS-OU) |
Academic Affairs Gift Fund (30031) |
Academic Council Degree Completion Scholarship Fund (Comeback Scholarship) (31041) |
Accounting & Finance Endowed Faculty Enrichment Fund (69624) |
Accounting & Finance Gift Fund SBA (30073) |
Accounting and Finance Advisory Board Endowment Fund (69581) |
Accounting/Finance Student Support Gift Fund (30260) |
Admissions Ambassador Gift Fund (30289) |
Affordable Education Materials Gift Fund (32365-OU) |
African American Celebration Month (DAACM-OU) |
Albert Randolph Judd Endowed Scholarship in Humanities (61633) |
Allen Gough III Memorial Scholarship for Human Resource Development Students (31682-OU) |
Allen Gough III Memorial Scholarship for Human Resource Development Students (61682-OU) |
Alumni Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund (67688) |
Amacher Scholarship (31227-OU) |
Amy (Kwiecinski) McGowan Scholarship for Excellence in Computer Science (69722) |
Andrew & Agnes Whiteside Memorial Endowment (61071) |
Anna and Keith Tack Finish with Honor Endowed Fund 31669 |
Anne Fauls Leach Memorial Scholarship (31249) |
Annual Gerald & Lisa Kearns Finish-Line Scholarship (DAKFL-OU) |
Art & Art History Gift Fund (30047) |
Art Education Inspired Discovery Scholarship (NAEID-OU) |
Athletics Communications Gifts (34256) |
Athletics Endowed Scholarship (68900) |
Athletics Scholarships (31504) |
Barbara & Allen Gough End-Human Resourse Development Schlps (31027) |
Barbara Lynn Sutherland Memorial Scholarship (31063)* |
Barbara Lynn Sutherland Memorial Scholarship Endowment (61063)* |
Barry Klein Student Research Program (31093) |
Barry S. Winkler Scholarship (30358) |
Baseball Facility Development Fund (30791) |
Baseball Gifts (30191) |
Benedettini/Pearson Endowed Scholarship Fund (39604) |
Benedettini/Pearson Endowed Scholarship Fund (69604) |
Bernard & Nina Kent Judaic Studies Endowed Israel Travel Fd (39605)* |
Bernard & Nina Kent Judaic Studies Endowed Israel Travel Fd (69605)* |
Beth D. Benson Endowed Scholarship in Instrumental Performance (61625) |
Betsy Allan Writing & Rhetoric Memorial Scholarship (MBAMS) |
Bette Salisbury Slowinski Endowment for OUCARES (61675-OU) |
Betty and Kiichi Usui Endowed Scholarship (68768) |
Betty and Shelly Appleton Critical Difference Endowed Fund (68837) |
Biodiversity Conservation Gift Fund (DBCGF-OU) |
Biological Sciences Gift Fund (30049) |
Black Alumni Affiliate Gift Fund (30012) |
Brad M. Glass Endowed Fund (69587) |
Brian Meer Endowed Business Education Fund (69598) |
Bud Kulesza Family Endowed Fund (68833) |
Bunting & Briggs Freedom of the Press Scholarship Endowment (64873) |
Burke Visiting Scholar Endowment (68826) |
Camille R. Torner Endowed Tuition Award Fund (69599) |
Campus Community Engagement Gift Fund (30500) |
Career Services |
Carmine Rocco Linsalata Memorial Scholarship Endowment (65166) |
Carol Ann Weber Endowed Fund (69607) |
Carol B. Kwiecinski Memorial Scholarship Endowment (61671) |
Carol Carpenter Memorial Endowed Writing Scholarship (61111) |
Carol Carpenter Memorial Scholarship in Education (61119) |
Carol Kirken Endowed Scholarship for Non-Traditional Students (61240-OU) |
Carrell T. and Helen R. Sherman Endowed Scholarship Fund (68742) |
CAS - Center for Ethics Gift Fund (30310) |
CAS - College of Arts and Sciences Gift Fund (30011) |
CAS Biological Nature Preserve Gift Fund (30330) |
CAS Center for Civic Engagement Gift Fund (30378) |
CAS Center for Civic Engagement Muchmore Critical Conversations Gift Fund (31203-OU) |
CAS Finish Line Scholarship (31515) |
CAS General Scholarships (31520) |
CAS JRN Solutions to Journalism project (34611) |
CAS Math Corps Gift Fund (30420) |
CAS Michele and Karl Plattenberger Japan Study Abroad Endowment (61523) |
CAS Physics General Scholarship Gift Fund |
CAS PSY Graduate scholarship gift fund (31372-OU) |
CAS Religious Studies Gift Fund (30322) |
CAS Violence Abuse Resource Consortium (30344) |
CAS-Actuarial Science Gifts (30267) |
CAS-Chaudry Research Support Gift Fund (30319) |
CAS-Compton Chemistry-Biology Scholarship (31522) |
CAS-Judaic Studies Gift Fund (30196) |
CAS-Outreach and Engagement Initiatives Gift Fund (30375) |
CAS-Patti Finnegan Sharf Study Abroad Scholarship (31044) |
Catherine Tyler Memorial International Award Endowment (69617) |
Cayla Rose Carr Memorial Fund (MCRC1-OU) |
Center for Autism Gift Fund (30312) |
Center for Biomedical Research Gift Fund (30128) |
Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning Gift Fund (30282) |
Center for International Programs Gift Fund (30048) |
Center for Public Humanities (30421) |
Center for Robotics & Advanced Automotive Lab - Gift Fund (30029) |
CERC-Clean Energy Research Center Gift Fund (30288) |
Chaldean Student Organization Engagement Scholarship Endowment (38272-OU) |
Chaldean Student Organization Engagement Scholarship Endowment (68272-OU) |
Chemistry General Gift Fund (30057) |
Cheryl Cole Pope Scholarship Gift Fund (31106) |
Chris and Fred Killeen Endowed Scholarship for Comp. Sci (61256). |
Chris and Fred Killeen Endowed Scholarship for Comp. Sci. (31256) |
Cinema Studies Gifts (30519) |
Cis Maisel Center for Judaic Studies & Community Engagement (61242) |
Class of 1970 Gift Fund (DC70GF) |
Class of '63 Charter Class Gift Fund (DC63GF) |
CMI - Center for Multicultural Initiatives Gifts (30093) |
CMI - Student Retention Fund Scholarship (DSRFS-OU) |
CMI-David R McGhee Scholarship (31169) |
Coderre Endowment Fund (39615) |
Cody Petzold Rainbow Endowed Scholarship (61054)* |
Communication & Journalism Gift Fund (30064) |
Communication Forensics Team Gift Fund (30277) |
Communications & Marketing Gift Fund (30072) |
Communications Gift Fund (30066) |
Connie & Tom Barr Classroom Library Endowment (61632) |
Copple Endowed Economics Scholarship (64575) |
CORE Fund (30401) |
Counseling Center Gifts Fund (30109) |
Creating a Sustainable OU (30243-OU) |
Creative Writing Gift Fund (37518) |
CRNA Student Scholarship Fund (DNASF-OU) |
CRNA Student Success Seminar (DCRNA) |
CSITS Gift Fund (30130) |
Dance Team Gifts (30225) |
Danielle Romeo Hall Communication Scholarship Endowment (69724-OU) |
David and Anessa Kramer Performance Excellence Endowment for Men's Basketball (31689) |
David and Anessa Kramer Performance Excellence Endowment for Men's Basketball (61689) |
David Beardslee Non-Traditional Student Scholarship Fund (36221) |
David Brennan Support for Nursing Studies Scholarship (61112) |
De Witt Dykes and Silverenia Kanoyton Endowed Scholarship (61667) |
Dearlove Scholarship (31226-OU) |
Decision & Information Science Gift Fund (30074) |
Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship Fund (DDSTS) |
Deming Scholarship (60280) |
Dennis & Carlotta Pawley End Undergrad Student Lean Award (69610) |
Dennis Pawley Institute Endowed Fund (68793) |
Department of Counseling - Play Therapy Fund (DDCPT-OU) |
Development and Alumni Relations Gift Fund (30034) |
Diane and Michael Grieves Diversity Scholarship Endowment (65000) |
Diane Norris Endowed Nursing Scholarship (31193)* |
Diane Norris Endowed Nursing Scholarship (61193)* |
Dicron Tafralian Scholarship Endowment (65109) |
Dillon Family Accounting Student Leadership Schlp Endowment (61133)* |
Disability Support Services Gift Fund (30226) |
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Gift Fund (30394) |
Don and Jan O'Dowd Endowed Graduate Student Award (31652) |
Don R. Iodice Scholarship for Foreign Study (61230) |
Donald C. Hildum Scholarship Endowment (65522) |
Donna and Walt Young Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship Fund (68831) |
Donna Zobel Endowed Biology Scholarship (31191)* |
Donna Zobel Endowed Biology Scholarship (61191)* |
Dorothy and Walton A. Lewis Endowed Scholarship Fund (31109) |
Douglas Templeton Swimming & Engineering Scholarship (32209)* |
Douglas Templeton Swimming & Engineering Scholarship (61109)* |
Dr. Eleftherios N. Botsas Memorial Scholarship Fund (MEBMS-OU) |
Dr. Jane M. Bingham Endowment for the Historical Children's Literature Collection (61263) |
Dr. John H. White, Jr., OU Athletics Endowment (31252) |
Dr. John H. White, Jr., OU Athletics Endowment (61252) |
Dr. Kathleen H. Moore and Gerald F. Moore Undergraduate Summer Research Program (31677) |
Dr. Kathleen H. Moore and Gerald F. Moore Undergraduate Summer Research Program (61677) |
Dr. Manuel Pierson Endowed Fund (31061)* |
Dr. Manuel Pierson Endowed Fund (61061)* |
Dr. Michele D. Raible SOM Endowment (69633) |
Dr. Nasir Haque OU Endowment for Biological Science Schlps (60329) |
Dr. Shakir Endowment for STEM Education Fund (61643-OU) |
Dreamweaver Scholarship Endowment Fund (61613) |
Dreamweaver Scholarship Fund (31613) |
Economics Gift Fund (30075) |
Edna Gottlieb Shapiro Scholarship Endowment |
Educational Leadership Gift Fund (30089) |
Educational Resources Laboratory Gift Fund (30028) |
Elaine Leigh Track & Field Invitational Endowment (31686-OU) |
Elaine Leigh Track & Field Invitational Endowment (61686-OU) |
E-Learning Gift Fund (30077) |
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Fund (DEVCS-OU) |
English Gift Fund (37519) |
English Student Enrichment Fund (37520) |
Enrollment Management Gift Fund (31211) |
Erfan Faridmoayer Memorial Fund (MEFM1-OU) |
Eric Pelfrey Endowed Accounting Student Scholarship Fund (61197) |
Eric T. Pauli Memorial Scholarship (61048)* |
ERI-Pediatric Retinal Disorders Lab (30199) |
Ernst & Young Scholarship Fund (DEYSF-OU) |
Esports Gifts (37834) |
Eva Otto Endowment for Undergrad Student Schlp (31055)* |
Eva Otto Endowment for Undergrad Student Schlp (61055)* |
Eye Research Institute Gift Fund (30092) |
Eye Research Institute Scholarships (31509) |
Facilities Management Gift Fund (30036) |
Faculty Research General Control |
Filippis Foundation Fund for Disability Support Services (30227) |
Finance & Administration Gift Fund (30033) |
Financial Aid Office Discretionary Award (35110) |
First Generation College Student Program Fund (31210-OU) |
First Generation Scholarship Fund (DFGSF-OU) |
Forensic Nursing Scholarships (NFNS1) |
Friends of Performing Arts (39861) |
Future Educators Scholarship (NFES1-OU) |
Future Heroes Scholarship (Emergency Student Tuition Support 32524) |
G & T Gamboa Behavior & Ecology Student Research Endowment (68822) |
G. Philip Johnson Endowed Fund (69582) |
Galileo Teacher Leadership Endowed Fund (61059)* |
Gary and Elspeth Coats SBA Student Involvement Scholarship (61069-OU) |
Gary Brancaleone Endowed Scholarship for Women's Athletics (31624) |
Gary Brancaleone Endowed Scholarship for Women's Athletics (61624-OU) |
Gate Lodge Fund (DGL01-OU) |
Gender & Sexuality Center Gift Fund (30325) |